Maintaining a clean bedroom not only makes your living space look better but also permits you to sleep well and feel well. So if you adhere to a strategy, you can easily turn your bedroom into a clean and serene environment.Check out this list which includes everything from how to take out the trash to how to make your bed. This guide will help you to keep your bedroom neat and clean.
1. Take Out all the Trashes
In order to begin, we need to take care of the trash. We suggest you to have a wastebasket or a trash bag that can be placed near your room. Gather all the litter that you may find lying on the floor of your room. This could be snack wrappers, old bills, tissues, or anything like that. First, it is easier to start with removing the trash since it gives the body some relief and makes the whole process of cleaning not to be overwhelming.
2. Pick Up Dirty Clothes and put them in a Hamper
Next, gather all those clothes that have been left dirty and scattered all over. If they are on the floor, lying across a chair, or could possibly be under the bed, gather them and place them in a laundry basket. Even this small step could dramatically remove the notions of messiness and provide the room with an overall more orderly appearance.
3. Put Away Clean Clothes and Refold or Re-Hang them
Fresh clothes must be refolded or rehanged once you pick them up from the closet. If you have any clean clothes that are irritating by remaining on the floor waiting to be folded and hung, then you have to fold and hang your clean clothes that are available. The above tips will help one to have a clean bedroom closet; blouses and sweaters must be hung with their backs on the slim hangers. It will also make it easier for you when you are in the morning choosing which clothes to wear out of the many you have put on.
4. Make your bed
Changing the bed alters the appearance of the room and makes it look more welcoming and neater. This may not seem like a big deal but it will up the difference. Bed cleanliness is something that has to be checked and or maintained since the bed is one of the most important features of the bedroom. Start with the process of stripping off all the linen including those that are used in the bed like sheets, pillowcases as well as blankets. People are encouraged to wash their bedsheets and or change them regularly. keeping an extra set of sheets is wise in a house in case one has to change the bedding while the other is in the laundry.
5. Pick up scattered objects
Nightstands, dressers, vanities, and desks collect small daily-use items and ultimately become clutter zones. Take some time to make sure that the above-mentioned items are returned to their rightful places. Clear all objects from nightstands, dressers, and any other flat surfaces. Replace objects where they were found and clear out any objects that are in the wrong place. This could be items like books, pieces of jewelry, or even small coins. Erasing these surfaces helps make the surroundings neater and convey a soothing atmosphere. If there are accessories that do not fit the bedroom, ensure that they are put in a box, basket, or bag.
6. Wipe down all surfaces
After all items have been taken off the surface, they should be cleaned well. If your cleaner is a dusting spray, glass cleaner, or antibacterial wipes, select the right cleaner for your surface and proceed with the cleaning process. Cleaning of table tops and chairs, dressers, nightstands, etc Cleaning of all furniture, shelves, and other related surfaces. This process wipes out the dust, dirt, and sticky areas which will in turn make the room cleaner and these make the room appear tidier.
7. Dust Curtains, Light Fixtures, and Ceiling Fan Blades
Now that you have cleaned the surfaces it is time to proceed upward. The presence of dust on curtains, and light fixtures together with dust accumulation on the blades of ceiling fans makes the room appear less clean. These areas have to be dusted lightly using a duster, or a cloth such as a microfiber. You can also use a vacuum in the lowest possible setting to remove the dust.
8. Sweep Windows and Mirrors
Most often, windows and mirrors are covered with smudges and dust so clean them fast. For this, you need some glass cleaner and a piece of microfiber clothing so that it does not leave any streaks behind. Windows that are clean will allow more light into the room and therefore your room will appear livelier. Cleaning windows can be tricky but it is recommended that one should spray a solution of vinegar in water in the ratio 1:10 the most effective method to clean windows and mirrors. Another option that you can consider is employing a glass cleaner or soapy water. Clean the glass side to side as well as top to bottom, and then scrape off further stains still remaining on the glass surface. It is advisable to use another microfiber material to wipe the window and quickly erase the marks since they can be polished away.
9. Mop, vacuum, or sweep
Putting out most of the dust and dirt now, it is finally time to clean the floor. Avoid allowing dirt to accumulate on your carpet, hardwood, or tiles through daily or weekly cleaning through sweeping or vacuuming. If you have hardwood floors, it is advisable to take out and vacuum all rugs before the entire floor is swept. Try to extend your reach as far as possible under the bed and the heavy furniture. Do not forget about corners or under tables and chairs because dust bunnies have a tendency to gather there. In essence, a clean top surface is the ultimate touch that makes the room look clean.
10. Remake the Bed
As everything else is clean, it is the right time to change the linen on your bed and remake it. It feels so relieving and comforting to sink your body into a perfectly made bed that has been freshly prepared for sleep. Not only does it look beautiful but also improves the quality of sleep that we get.
The clean bedroom you probably always wanted but never had the time to achieve. By following the outlined steps, one can maintain a clean and well-ordered environment in a section required for relaxation and sleep. Remember, the first rule of having a sound mind is having a clean working space.